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Who I am

My name is Queenie Lui Wai Han. Wai, 慧, means wisdom, while Han, 嫻, means elegance. Yet from a young age, words that had the opposite meaning of wisdom and elegance were spoken over me. 


As a child, I was very active and enjoyed playing all kinds of sports. Yet because in Chinese standard, sporty wasn't elegant, I was made to feel as if I didn't measure up to the Han - elegance, in my name.


As a child, I also struggled with English, and my academic grades suffered as a result because English was the language of instruction at my school. And because my grades were poor, my teachers would call me dumb. Perhaps it was an attempt to motivate me to learn, but it wreaked havoc on my self-esteem.

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My relatives and other people around me made fun of my name, frequently telling me that my name doesn't suit me, and I don't measure up to it. As such, for the longest period of time, I couldn't embrace the identity embedded in my name. I struggled with rooted self-rejection that stemmed from the negative words spoken over me.


One day, someone told me that the meaning embedded in my name is my true identity and God's calling for me. Moreover, this is the name He has for me, not chosen by my family.  This is indeed my true identity and destiny. This is what I desire to impart to other people as well   the truth that they are loved and beautiful in God.

Apart from this message I want to impart, I also have a passion for youths. I have been teaching for over 13 years — from primary up to tertiary level; I found that young people are not inadequate, they just need adults or authority figures to tell them that they are okay and that no matter their achievements or lack thereof, they are enough and they are important.


When people don’t know their true identities, they would often strive for approvals and recognition from the wrong sources, and are easily entrapped in different tangible or intangible captivities.

Words have the power to speak life or death to souls, and I wish to use my words to speak life and God's truth over youths.

All in all, the mission of Priceless DTS draws close parallels to my testimony and God’s calling to my life  to speak life into others.

My Missionary Experience

When I first became a believer in high school, I used to think going on mission trips were a good way to evangelise. Since a young age, God has given me an opportunity to practise street evangelism in Macau, visit orphanages in rural China, share good news in E. Romania and teach English to nursing students and local teachers in China.


When I as doing park evangelism with OM in Romania in 1997

​​This year I have taken part in 3 different overseas mission trips within Asia—to the Philippines, Cambodia and Macau.

God has further spoken to my heart earlier this year, visit My Heart page to further understand what God has called me to do.

For more stories, please visit my Blog and Pictures Speak.

To participate in my ministry and outreach together, your financial support is very important to me. Visit my Support Me page for more details.

Thank You

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