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Barlad, Romania

Writer's picture: smileyluismileylui

Updated: Dec 16, 2018



1. 羅馬尼亞有185萬吉卜賽人; 絕大部分人都從未見過亞洲人的;

2. 每日食水供應時數有限,而且是帶沙粒、泥黃色的;

3. 我在當地時,主要是每天跑到公園裡去服侍當地的孤兒—他們靠爬上樹上採蘋果吃來充饑,他們都是沒鞋子穿、周圍跑的「野孩子」;

4. 每當我在街上走時,街上每一個人都會定睛凝望著我,且覺得我很漂亮呢—因為他們從未見過亞洲人—就像中國山區的村民從未接觸過西人一般喲!

5. 我每天走進公園裡去時,那些孤兒和吉卜賽孩子都會洶湧而至, 成群結隊的跑過來,跳到我身上,且在我前後左右、從頭到腳的擁抱我。他們很需要愛,這也可能是他們表達喜悅的方式吧!^_^

6. 一天晚上收隊之後,約11時許,我和幾位隊友一起外出跑步去。但由於羅馬尼亞東邊的路很爛很黑,沒有街燈,所以我不慎掉進了馬路中心一個隱蔽的坑裡,扭傷了左邊腳踝。我便從此有了一個舊患了。

Barlad, Romania

We Asians often perceive that white people, who have fairer skin-tone and more distinctive features, are better-looking.

I went to Barlad in eastern Romania during my university stage + spent 6 weeks there. What I experienced was surprising—even shocking—to me…

1. There were 1.85 million gypsies there. And a significant population of Romanians had never seen an Oriental person in their life;

2. The daily water supply was limited, and the tap water was unclean and had sand particles in it;

3. When I was there, I mainly served the orphans in the park, who picked wild apples from the trees as their daily food and always ran around with bare feet;

4. Whenever I walked around in the streets, every single Romanian would stare at me. They seemed very curious about me and thought that I was beautiful—because they had never seen any Asian before—just like the ways mountain/village Mainland Chinese perceive western visitors!

5. I went to the park to see the orphans + gypsy children daily, and they would jump over me literally and touch every part of my body and hug me. On one hand, they needed love so much, on the other hand that’s probably how they expressed joy; 📷

6. One night, my team and I went jogging at 11ish after work. As the roads were so dark and bumpy, I stumbled over a dug hole and sprained my left ankle badly. I have had a bad ankle since then. #romania #barlad #omuk

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